Quality Control consists of 3 parts :


IQC (Incoming Quality Control):

IQC (Incoming Quality Control / Incoming Component Quality Control): Incoming quality control refers to the procedure that inspects the quality of materials and components that have been purchased. This quality control is completed before production begins. This step is necessary to ensure that the components meet the specifications of your original instructions. A few defective incoming components could ruin the production and result in a final result that does not meet the specifications.

DUPRO (DUring PROduction inspection / Inspection during production)

A DUring inspection is an on-site product inspection performed when 20-80% of your production is complete and packed for shipment. This inspection of randomly selected units from all completed batches in your production informs you whether or not your factory is still following your original specifications, and whether your production is still on schedule. A DUPRO keeps your production on track.

QC (Quality Control)

This quality control is performed at the end of the production process. The amount of product randomly inspected depends on the AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit) selected. Following the inspection a complete photo report is made to keep track of the production. The inspector is also in charge of finding solutions to minor problems before shipping. The report will also serve as a basis for working with the supplier to improve future products.